How to buy
How to purchase via uniswap
AXUS Coin token Address:
Download your wallet, connect wallet on Uniswap
Trust Wallet is one of didital wallet you can download,
Add new token / Part 1
Now your Trust wallet is on the ethereum Smart Chain Network. However, you still need to add the token manually to your wallet.
Click top on right
Add new token / Part 2
Scroll down to the bottom and click on Add Custom Token
Net work : Ethereum
Token Contract Address:
Name: Axus Coin
Token Symbol: AXUS
Decimals of Precision: 18
connect wallet to Uniswap
Visit and click on "Connect to a Wallet" (top right) to buy on Uniswap with your newly created wallet. Note: If you get an alert message, just check the address number if that is correct and you are good to go.
Swap $ETH to $AXUS
Now just input how many $ETH worth( Deposit Ethereum to account) of $AXUS you want to get. Remember that you need to leave some funds in your wallet is called "GAS" basically the fuel for the transaction. Note: If you get an error, could be slippage - click in the gear icon and increase the slippage tolerance to something between 3% and 5%. If that doesn't work, use round numbers.
Give some time for the transaction to be confirmed and enjoy being part of $AXUS